Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Moon is a moon phases chart for the month of September. I will be posting the current month's moon phase chart each month.

The moon is, by far, the most prominent sight in the night sky. A full moon cycle takes about 28 days from new moon (where the moon is not visible) to new moon again. On some nights, the moon is the most beautiful sight to be seen. I am personally a huge fan of the thin crescent moon.

The moon can be a huge factor in stargazing. The moon is a big, unavoidable light source that does take away form the number of stars that can be seen. The bigger the moon, the more light it reflects to earth. If your only goal is to see the stars, or other celestial bodies, try and go on a night with the smallest moon as possible. The new moon phase will reveal a night of more stars than you can count. The full moon reveals only a handful of stars, but the moon is a sight to behold. Please take the time to really appreciate both for the beauty they each are.

P.s. the next new moon is Sept. 27, or this Tuesday. Take advantage of it!


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